Construction and Arrangement of Slip Ring Motor | Electrical Machine Theory

Construction and Arrangement of Slip Ring Motor | Electrical Machine Theory

There is a basic construction and general arrangement of slip ring induction motor theory which is more helpful in get knowledge about electrical machine

Construction of slip ring type induction motor is provided in below image.

Construction of Slip Ring Motor

Construction of slip ring type rotor is exactly similar to the stator construction. Number of poles in rotor is same as stator.

The rotor winding is generally star or delta connected winding and also rotor winding is uniformly distributed in the slot.

The construction of slip ring type rotor is laminated and slotted and the rotor winding placed in slots.

Three phase three ends is available after star-delta connection of winding and also it will be permanently connected with slip rings.

We can connect external resistance and any external circuit using by slip rings with the internal rotating circuit.

Arrangement of slip ring type of rotor is provided in below image 👇

Arrangement of Slip Ring Motor

In this types of rotor we can add the external resistance with the help of series arrangement of brushes and slip ring with each phase of rotor winding

By using or adding these external resistance in rotor circuit we can get high starting torque.

We can vary the speed of slip ring type of rotor by changing the value of external resistance and we can reduce it value to the zero.

But, It will be noted that the external resistance is provided only on at starting period only.

So, when motor runs at it's normal speed then the three brushes are short circuited and rotor runs like as a squirrel cage rotor.

Also, Slip ring type rotor is also known as wound rotor.

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