What is the Neutral Earthling? And Advantages of Neutral Earthling
The theory of neutral earthling is provided in this article which more helpful to clear basic fundamentals of earthling and neutral earthling, all the details are described below.
What is the Neutral Earthling? And Advantages of Neutral Earthling |
Neutral Earthing is also known as neutral grounding.
These days, the majority of 3-phase systems operate with an earthed neutral, earthling being achieved either directly or through an impedance.
Advantages of Neutral Earthling
✓Elimination of persistent arcing ground
✓It provides improved service reliability.
✓Earth faults can be utilized to operate protective relays to isolate the fault.
✓Surge voltage due to arcing grounds is eliminated.
✓This system gives reliable service and greater safety to personnel and equipment.
✓It provides greater safety to personnel and equipment.
✓Maintenance and operating cost of such system, as compared to isolated systems, is less.
✓Voltages of phases are limited to the line-to-ground voltages.
✓The voltage of healthy phases remains nearly constant.
Methods of Neutral Earthling
The following methods are employed to earth the neutral of the power system:
✓Solid earthing usually confined to systems operating at voltage below 2.2 kV and above 33 kV.
✓Resistance earthing usually employed for the system operating at voltages between 2.2 kV and 33 kV when the power source capacity exceeds 5000 kVA.
✓Reactance earthing, this system ensures satisfactory relaying partial grading of the
apparatus insulation, reduced interference to neighboring communication circuits as compared with that in solidly earthed system.
✓Its main drawback is very high transient over voltages due to which this system is not in common use.
✓Arc suppression coil or Peterson coil earthing usually confined to 'medium voltage
overhead transmission lines which are connected to generating source through intervening power transformers.
Different Methods Of Neutral Grounding :
- Solid grounding
- Resistance Grounding
- Reactance Grounding
- Peterson-coil grounding